Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What will be the most desired physical appearance of the future?

Being fat used to equal wealth, whereas today, thin is "IN", as you see with nearly every supermodel. Each person has a different view of what the ideal physical appearance is. Some like blonde hair, others brown; blue eyes or green eyes; tall or short. There are so many different characteristics that define a physical appearance, but what do you think will be on the cover of every fashion magazine perhaps 20 or 30 years from now?

What will be the most desired physical appearance of the future?

This is a great question, but, as I'm sure that you know, there is not going to be any way to know who's got the best answer for another 20 to 30 years.

America will be 80% non-white. That's all that I'm willing to guess.

What will be the most desired physical appearance of the future?

2036: the year of the perfect genitals!

What will be the most desired physical appearance of the future?

Robots? I don't know... but thin will always be in that's for sure.

What will be the most desired physical appearance of the future?

The aliens that will replace us as the dominant species!

What will be the most desired physical appearance of the future?

I saw somewhere that Spain had banned skinny models. Maybe in America they will do they same, because we all know that not everyone has that body. I think that in the future a healthy body will be recognizable. Considering how much money people pay for organic foods and gym memberships, we might be 10 years away from Shape Magazine taking over Cosmo.

What will be the most desired physical appearance of the future?

Lets hope we view our bodies for their health and not for fashion.

That may be a long time from now though... ;- )

What will be the most desired physical appearance of the future?

Just looking healthy, not too thin and not fat. A pleasant smile with clean looking radiant skin tone.

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