Friday, November 27, 2009

Model and runway help!!!!! :-S?

ok so im going to an event for seventeen magazine next week and im going to walk the runway....and from then on there going to pick 6 best girls that walked the runway the best beacuse there going to have a fashoin show. Therefore. i want help from you guys to make my walk better, like to add pazzaz!! (is that how u spell it..nvm) lol like should i smile shake my hands play with my hair ?umm run lol i dont knoe any suggestions...?


Model and runway help!!!!! :-S?

scrunch yo nose, move yo mouth side ways, stick out yo tounge and smile!!!

Model and runway help!!!!! :-S?

Since it's Seventeen Mag. act young and flirty. Nothing too over the top. Smile, and be confident! Good luck.

Model and runway help!!!!! :-S?

Ask the people who are doing the event how they want you to walk. Also you could go to one of those modeling schools and take walking classes. Yeah there are actually walking classes for modeling. Usually people just walk and do not do a whole bunch of movements with the upper body. Look on the style network and see if you can see any fashion shows.

Model and runway help!!!!! :-S?

no, don't shake your hands or play with your hair. It's all attitude. Make eye contact with the judges from the minute you hit the runway until you turn to leave it. Do a snap turn about half-way down the runway, sling your arms a little bit (Don't get carried away) and walk with sass. Remember the attitude! It's 98% mental.

You want a moderatly quick pace, not too slow, not too fast. A little arm movement. Depending on your outfit, smile or be serious. If you're wearing something fun, project that. If you're wearing something more businessy, be serious. Change your expression - even subtle smile changes - and nod briefly as you make eye contact with each judge at the end of the runway.

This is what we do for pageant runway modeling. Hope it helps!

Good luck!

Model and runway help!!!!! :-S?

Hey D...

Have you ever seen Tyra walk the runway...Her flirty, yet sexy attitude... Show that you are very confident in yourself, don't be nervous. Act like you've already got the job....You know you hot stuff, your trying THEM out, because if they don't meet your've already got a list of companies waiting on you... Still remember not to be too cocky. Modeling is a very tough business, so keep ya head up and you'll do great...Hope this helps at least as a confidence booster...Good Luck!

Model and runway help!!!!! :-S?

when you arrive you should be told what the tone of the show will be that will tell you how to act some times they want happy some times they want demure. If hair do is not part of the show then calling attention to your hair would be inappropriate.

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